Prevent Heart Disease.
Live Longer.
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Don't Know Where To Start?
Check Out The Heart Health Formula To Take Back Control Of Your Heart Health.
The Heart Health Formula
The Majority Of Heart Disease Is Preventable.
Preventing heart disease and living longer simply requires following a simple formula.
Discover that formula here.
Heart Health FormulaAbout Me
I've spent over 20 years working in global centres of medical excellence in New York, San Diego, Sydney & Ireland. I have collaborated with institutions including NASA, Headspace and The New York Academy of Sciences.
This is what I have learned about preventing heart disease and living longer.
Two Ways I Can Help You
Understand Your Risk of Heart Disease and Take Action Today.
Join 20K+ Subscribers To My Free Weekly Newsletter.
Actionable advice on how to prevent heart disease and live longer.
Heart Health Formula
A world class formula for assessing & reducing the risk of heart disease. Step by step instructions.
What Others Have Said

"Going through the heart health formula completely changed how I think about the risk of heart disease."

"I had no idea that at 48 I already had serious heart disease. Dr Barrett's approach might have saved my life"

"As a female, heart disease was not really on my radar. Going through the process has taught me so much about how to reduce my risk of heart disease
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Your guide to understanding your risk of heart disease and what to do about it.
Dr Paddy Barrett
Understand Your Risk Of Heart Disease & What To Do About It.
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